Thursday, December 24, 2015

I'm Doing Something Tomorrow!!!!

Hey everyone! It's Leah, and I'm so excited for tomorrow! I know this is the second time I wrote something today, but I was just so excited to tell you what I'm doing tomorrow. My family doesn't really celebrate Christmas that much because we're not that religious, but we still get presents and eat family dinners. Anyways, back to what I'm doing tomorrow.

Tomorrow, I'm clearing out my garage, which will be boring, but I'll do it with my dad, and that will make it more fun. What we're going to do with the clear garage is build a platform for my gymnastics. Have I told you about me taking gymnastics yet. I haven't! Well, now you know!

Anyways, Iwant to practice everything I know, so my dad offered to take me to Home Depot and get wood for the platform. We're going to build it tomorrow! I'm so excited, I couldn't wait to tell you. The thing is, I don't know where anything will go once we clear the garage. Possibly the shed, but I have no idea where our skateboards, bikes, scooters, etc. will go. I think it will go on the other part of the garage where we're not going to build the platform.

Does anyone know how hot it will be in the south of America? I guess I'll find out.

Today, I actually didn't do nothing. I went to the store with my dad! I just realized that! Just so you know, I am super clueless. I'm possibly the most clueless girl at school! Probably not. There are a lot of weird and clueless girls and boys in my school, no offense to whoever is in my school. Sorry!

There's really nothing much more for me to say, since I'm all out of things to say about dogs. I guess that's it! Have a very Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays. Have a nice winter break for all the kids, and have nice dreams! Love you all, Leah.

P.S. If any of you are pronouncing it like (LEE-UH), that's wrong. My name is pronounced (LAY-UH). That's all now. Happy Holidays, and have a nice winter break again! Good bye everyone of the internet! That all...
Don't know why I'm still talking. K. Good Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyee!

Lazy Thursday

Merry Christmas Eve, everyone who's reading this and is Christain! I'm sure a lot of you are excited for Christmas tomorrow! A lot of my friends are, and I'm sure everyone will have fun! Today is a lazy day for me, but I hope I will get a big dinner tonight. Today, I don't think I'll do anything. I mean, my mom is at work, and my dad is still in bed! Who stays in bed until 1:30pm? My dad can be so lazy sometimes...

Well, all the time. It's not just him, though! I've been in my PJs all day, and I still am! I'm not going anywhere, so what's the point of getting dressed like I'm going to some place for lunch or to my friend's house? I only do that when we get out of the house a a family.

There's really not that much to say except for my dogs love winter break. All the kids will be home to give them attention, and everyone knows how dogs are about their attention. They absolutely adore it! Especially my dogs. They are so spoiled and playful, and it's like they stay puppies forever, until they get to at least 13 years old. That's what happened to my sweet Buster. If you don't know who Buster is, you can check out one of my other blogs. It's called "I Have News!"

Speaking of old dogs, I bless everyone who adopts an older dog. I definitely would, but a lot of people refuse to. You will have them for a shorter period of time, but think of it this way. They were probably in that shelter for a long time, and you don't want that poor animal by itself when it passes in a stinkin old animal shelter. Do you want that to happen? My family saved a young dog from getting put to sleep before he was 1 year old. That's important as well, but an old dog is equally as important.

If you want to stop dogs from getting put to sleep for no reason at all, prevent breeding the dogs. There are too many dogs in the world for everyone to have, and even homeless people are adopting them to prevent them from getting put to sleep. Stop breeding dogs so every dog will have a forever home. Breeding dogs is the main reason of dogs overpopulating. You need to stop breeding them, and selling them for a thousand more dollars than what you spend at an animal shelter. All breeders are torturing poor dogs that are forced to get pregnant more than a couple times, and it isn't fair to the dogs, and not fair to the people who try to save as many dogs as possible. I think that all breeders just get the dog to get pregnant, and once she can't anymore, she's useless to them. Prevent that from happening, and save dogs lives.

That last paragraphs was really touchy in my opinion, and a little dramatic. That's all for this blog. Save dogs' lives, and try your best, and beyond to not breed dogs! That's all for this blog! Bye!!!  :) 

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

My Day

Hey! It's Leah, and I'm about to go bowling with my family, including my nanny. She's practically a family member now that she lives here, and that's she has been with us for around 4 years. Anyways, I get a break from school, and I want to have fun. Not stay inside all day long watching TV. Well, I need to go bowling now. See you in a little bit.


I had a super fun time bowling. I came in second, my nanny came in first, and my little brother, Micah came in third, excluding my cheating older brother that broke family rules, and bowling rules. I'm not going to count him, but if I did, I would say he came in 4th, excluding his points of cheating. I would've came in first if I had my bumpers the first round. My older brother didn't have his bumpers, and when he got 0 points, he would act like a sore loser. That's why we rarely ever do stuff as a family. Speaking of that, my whole family is so competitive. I am one of the most competitve people in the family. I would cry if I lose really close behind. I almost did today. If I only had three more points, I will be in first. Anyways, that was my day! I'm sorry for not writing for a while, but I went on a cruise, and kept forgetting to charge my computer, and I had just remembered to write today! Sorry again, and Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and have a nice Winter.

Wait... There's More

There's not really anything else for me to talk about, except that my dad does not want another animal in the house. Not even a sweet, cute little bunny. What happened today was we passed a pet shop, and that reminded me that I wanted a small pet, to just keep in my room. I texted my mom with my phone, and she said no because of my dad her exact words were, "No, Daddy would kill me." I laughed at that, mostly because it was true. He used to work as a serial killer....
If you believe my dad was a serial killer, forget about it. He's not.

That's it for today. Bye! Again, Happy Holidays, Christmas, and have a nice Winter Break for everyone that has one! Bye again.!!!!! 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

More News!

Hey everyone! Welcome back to Doggy Time! I'm Leah, and I have some news. First of all, I am going on a cruise! Isn't that eciting! I'm going to be going on the Carnival Dream cruise, known to be the sister of Carnival Magic. I've already been on the Carnival Magic, so I think that it'll be easy for me to find my way to the FREE ICECREAM AND PIZZA! Now, I don't want you to think I'm spoiled or anything. As I was typing, I was thinking that you might think that I get whatever I want, but I have only been on 1 cruise so far, and even when I did go on my first cruise, we almost got bankrupt. I kept clicking the wrong button at the arcade that made the games I played so expensive. Also, my brother and I were obsessed with the arcade, so we spent over $100 there. YIKES! Anyways, I had other news too. I won the gradelevel spelling bee! Woooooooooo! I kind of feel bad for the other kids that were in the spelling bee, but I'm still happy for myself. I won because I tried my best, so I say it was fair. 

Cruise Fun!
I am so excited for the cruise! I love Carnival cruises, and I am so excited!! If I could describe my excitement in one word, it will be...
That's how excited I am! We're going to Cozumel, Jamaica, and some other place I can't remember. Anyways, it's gonna be a whole lot of fun, well, it'll be even more fun if my brothers weren't coming, but I guess I can deal with them for this week. At least I don't need to share a room with the family, but since I need adult supervision, my nanny is gonna be in the same room as me! Here I come Carnival Dream! Leah's here! (Dogs will be watched by nanny's friend, just so you know).

Spelling Bee!
AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! I'm going into the school spelling bee! This is terrifying, yet exciting! I'm going to represent the sixth grade spelling with my friend! Aah! Yay! Aah! I don't know what to do! My self-confidence is high, but I can get serious stage fright. It's not that bad, but it's still pretty bad. I can dance or move around on stage, but when it comes to using my voice, I can't even do that with one person! What am I supposed to do!?!?!
I guess that I'll just calm down and pretend no one's there. I hope no one is besides the contestants and the judges. Whoo. I can do this!!!! I just need to study! Study cap is on!!!

Since I need to study, I'll end it here. Have a wonderful thanksgiving!!!! I'm thankful for all of you! Tell you're friends about me, and have a nice week. Bye!

Monday, November 16, 2015

I Have News!

Hey guys! It's Leah, and welcome back to Doggy Time! I have somewhat exciting news! I won the class spelling bee, and I'm going to go into the grade level spelling bee, which is going to be harder because I'm going up against really good spellers. They won the class spelling bee too! Uh oh! I really need to study and study and study and study as much as I can. I really want to win this ever since my last spelling bee. Let's just say it did not go so well. I don't want to bore you aymore so let's talk about something else. Maybe we can talk about pets, specifically dogs. Today, I'm going to talk about German Shepards. German Shepards are very loyal and protective. They are normally black and brown, but they can come in other colors like white. White german shepards are glorious, just the most beautiful creature. I've never seen one until the day I watched a dog training show that had a white german shepard named Skye. I loved her, but she was kind of skittish. Anyways, German Shepards are very playful. They are also perfect as police dogs due to their amazing sense of smell. Hope you enjoyed this blogpost, and tell all your friends about me. Have an amazing Thanksgiving. I am thankful for you all, and I am thankful for my family, friends, and of course, MY PINK! Happy Thanksgiving once again, and enjoy vacation for all the kids that get a break from school. Love you all, BYE!

Sunday, November 8, 2015


Hey everyone! My name is Leah, and today I'm talking about a middle school performance I did with my friends. It was super fun, but it was also a lot of work! I skipped most of my mornings practicing our routine, but the best part was that we stuck together, and when someone messed up, we would laugh. It was hilarious. Anyways, the main thing was the actual performance. It was a lot of fun, but kind of scary. There were a couple of points when everyone was staring at me. It was kind of scary, but it motivated me to do my very best. The dance was a blast, and we got first place, YAY, and fan favorite, DOUBLE YAY! I screamed and screamed and shrieked and any other things that means scream. The rest of the group screamed, too. I loved the shining lights, although I can be very independant. I was always the performer of my family, so I was used to dancing on stage. My family was there, my friends were there, and some strangers were there. My favorite part of the routine was when I did a cartwheel landing into the splits. I hurt myself a little bit because I wasn't fully stretched, but it didn't hurt that much. I loved it because I felt like a real winner. I loved, loved, loved, loved, loved, loved, loved the feeling I got. If you were at my performance and you voted for the Party Animals, thank you so much, and thank you for reading this. Bye!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

My Summer

Hey everyone! I just started middle school, and forgot all about my blog. AAAAHHHH!!! Since I haven't written since 5th grade, I stand by my AAAHHHH, I'm going to inform you about my summer. YAY! I'm sure you won't be bored to death. Well, I was sad for a lot of my summer because of my dog. If you don't know what happened, you can read one my blogs. I'm sure I wrote about it. Anyways, he wasn't there for me starting middle school. I got really scared. It was spooky, but my summer wasn't...
Until I had a panic attack...
But I'll get to that later. Anyways, I went to Disney World in Orlando, Florida. It was really fun, especially when we got to meet the Disney characters. We took tons of pictures, and we talked to the ones that really did talk including Cinderella, Belle, Sleeping Beauty, Ariel, etc. That's not all! I went on so many rides! I... LOVED... IT! Now time for the good stuff...
FOOOOD! It was heavan! The steak was divine/ AWESOME! We ate it all until we couldn't eat a single bite without exploding. We stayed at a pretty hotel. It was so big, I got lost about 3 times, once with my little brother. Now...
It's time forvthe worst part of the trip. My panic attack. DUN DUN DUNNNNN! It was horrifying. During the trip, I developed a fear of people getting close to me because Disney World was really crowded. I was in line for 70 minutes, and started crying like crazy because it crowded me so I could barely walk anywhere. There were also really rude people that kept on cutting in line, and singing obnoxiously. My mom got super mad and told them to shush up and to be quiet. I cried super loudly and even cried during the ride scooting as far away from my brother as possible. When the ride was over, I cried until I got a soda and started watching TV to distract me. The next morning, I was fine and was ready to go on more rides. YAY! When we finally flew home, I ran inside and said hi to my babies, (My dogs). My older brother ran inside and hugged his dog. He was crazy about him and tortured him every day. The rest of my summer was plain friends, dogs, family, and did I mention friends? Anyways, dogs rule and that's all the time we have today. See ya! ;)

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Hey everyone! You didn't forget me, did you. I was busy with school, friends, dance class, and of course, my dogs. I thought that we should maybe do something different. We should celebrate the deaths of dogs :(. That's including my dog, Buster. He had just recently passed, so I thought that I should do this every week. Lady dogs and Gentle-dogs...
I present the dogs that passed and the reasons.
1. Buster- 17 years old, and got weak. :(
2.Max-  Probably got old. :(
3. Lucky- Unknown.:(
Those are just 3 dogs (including mine) that passed. If you were the owners of Max and Lucky, then I am sorry for your loss. If you have an old dog that is growing weaker, pray for him/her. If your dog is sick, take him/her to the vet. Do everything you can to make sure your dog lives a happy, long life. Now I'm going to show you a picture of my dogs brother.

This is Quincy.
Loved Buster almost as much as we loved him. Anyway...
Let's do some facts about dogs. Well, let's skip that this time because I'm sure you are sad. Well, this is life. Life isn't on a computer screen, so I'm going to end it here. I'll let my assistant say...
Bye everyone. Pray for your dogs, cats, or pet. If you don't, you'll b heart broken, like Leah is. See you next time.
I was actually going to say...
See ya later! Take care of your pets! Love and care for them. Live a happy life with them! Bye!
Right. That's what I meant. Do my thing if Leah's doesn't work out. LOVE YOUR PETS! I know Leah does. She's crying now.
(Crying) I miss Buster so much. This is what I get for not praying. I want to go home...
I am home. Buster's fur is still on my socks!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

More stories

Hey everyone! I am so sorry about me not posting in over a long time. I really am sorry, and to make it up to you, I wan to tell you something REALLY important. I have a really, really awesome mom and dad, so they let me have a half b-day party in February, but unfortunately had no time. Then we were going to have it a little later in the year, like a couple weeks later, but there were ice, so my mom took me to get a really nice dinner with my 2 brothers, her, and my grandma. My dad was out of town, but that's okay. I also have really interesting DOG news. My dog, Jackson. He ran away and bit this kid on the kid's butt and his mom called animal control. They put him on "rabies arrest." Jackson was in house jail for a little bit, but then got put in the vet's "jail." He came back a couple days ago, but since I haven't  written in you for a long time, I decided to tell you now. Okay, now for the FUN things. I know every blog needs a little bit of fun to add to it, so I'm going to tell you a cute short little story. Okay, here it is....

Once upon a time, there was a tiny village where 3 dogs lived. One was the mom, one was the dad, and the other was their 3 year old daughter, Lindy.

That is 21 in dog years.

They lived in a very small hut where they were ruled by evil cats. Those cats did not like dogs. Not even one. The pups were the only dogs in the whole kingdom. The dogs were very poor, so they had the smallest house. they had to live on the poor side of the kingdom where there were very few cats because every cat in the kingdom had a job except for the mom, the dad, Lindy, Lindy's best CAT friend, Stacey, and Stacey's family. They were pretty much breaking the rules of the kingdom by being friends. The reason Stacey's family can't ever get a job is because of their friendship, and the reason why Lindy's can't get a job is because they are dogs.
The family soon finally found a job that allowed any breed of animal, so there were several dogs in the building working. Stacey's family was able to work there to, so they soon got there rights back by buying a house with all the money they raised. There were many shoppers because the store sold things for every animal. The animal store was now open in business for every animal that had no rights, and for every animal that had all their rights. Soon, they had a protest and got rid of the cat king. Lindy and Stacey was the 2 princesses, and their parents were the 2 kings and 2 queens. they all lived happily ever after.

That was the story that i told. I really hoped you liked it. I shortened it down a bit and took the boring parts out so that way you won't have to read TOO much, and so you won't get bored. I hope you like this blog post, and I promise I'll write every day for until I run out of things to write about. By the way, along time ago, the same thing happened to humans. Some people didn't have equal rights because of how they looked, or the color of their skin, or anything like that. I just put it into dog story form so it'll be VERY interesting. Goodbye, and see you next time, everyone! Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!