Monday, November 16, 2015

I Have News!

Hey guys! It's Leah, and welcome back to Doggy Time! I have somewhat exciting news! I won the class spelling bee, and I'm going to go into the grade level spelling bee, which is going to be harder because I'm going up against really good spellers. They won the class spelling bee too! Uh oh! I really need to study and study and study and study as much as I can. I really want to win this ever since my last spelling bee. Let's just say it did not go so well. I don't want to bore you aymore so let's talk about something else. Maybe we can talk about pets, specifically dogs. Today, I'm going to talk about German Shepards. German Shepards are very loyal and protective. They are normally black and brown, but they can come in other colors like white. White german shepards are glorious, just the most beautiful creature. I've never seen one until the day I watched a dog training show that had a white german shepard named Skye. I loved her, but she was kind of skittish. Anyways, German Shepards are very playful. They are also perfect as police dogs due to their amazing sense of smell. Hope you enjoyed this blogpost, and tell all your friends about me. Have an amazing Thanksgiving. I am thankful for you all, and I am thankful for my family, friends, and of course, MY PINK! Happy Thanksgiving once again, and enjoy vacation for all the kids that get a break from school. Love you all, BYE!

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