Thursday, June 18, 2015

Hey everyone! You didn't forget me, did you. I was busy with school, friends, dance class, and of course, my dogs. I thought that we should maybe do something different. We should celebrate the deaths of dogs :(. That's including my dog, Buster. He had just recently passed, so I thought that I should do this every week. Lady dogs and Gentle-dogs...
I present the dogs that passed and the reasons.
1. Buster- 17 years old, and got weak. :(
2.Max-  Probably got old. :(
3. Lucky- Unknown.:(
Those are just 3 dogs (including mine) that passed. If you were the owners of Max and Lucky, then I am sorry for your loss. If you have an old dog that is growing weaker, pray for him/her. If your dog is sick, take him/her to the vet. Do everything you can to make sure your dog lives a happy, long life. Now I'm going to show you a picture of my dogs brother.

This is Quincy.
Loved Buster almost as much as we loved him. Anyway...
Let's do some facts about dogs. Well, let's skip that this time because I'm sure you are sad. Well, this is life. Life isn't on a computer screen, so I'm going to end it here. I'll let my assistant say...
Bye everyone. Pray for your dogs, cats, or pet. If you don't, you'll b heart broken, like Leah is. See you next time.
I was actually going to say...
See ya later! Take care of your pets! Love and care for them. Live a happy life with them! Bye!
Right. That's what I meant. Do my thing if Leah's doesn't work out. LOVE YOUR PETS! I know Leah does. She's crying now.
(Crying) I miss Buster so much. This is what I get for not praying. I want to go home...
I am home. Buster's fur is still on my socks!

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